How We Help
We provide large A4 bespoke, personalised, Memory boxes of exceptional quality to help bereaved children remember their sibling who has died. When you lose a child there is often very little support for the bereaved sibling. The Memory boxes are a very simple, but effective way of helping a sibling remember their brother or sister and preserve their very precious and personal memories. The designing of the Memory boxes is often used as a therapy by many bereavement services across the UK and every child in the family designs and receives their own Memory box so that the box belongs to them and only them.
We do not charge for our service as we are fully self funded.
Please note: Our large A4 wooden Memory boxes and bears are only supplied to bereaved siblings under the age of 25yrs..
Our Memory Boxes are supplied to families through bereavement service referrals; we do not sell boxes directly.
One day we would like EVERY bereavement service to offer a Harvey Hext Trust Memory box to their bereaved siblings, we are steadily growing as a charity and we are currently working with a number of bereavement services including:
Acorns Hospice
A Child of Mine
Alder Hay hospital
Alexander devine children's hospice
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Bristol Childrens Hospital
Bluebell wood Childrens hospice
Bradford Teaching Hospital
Clic Sargent
Child Bereavement UK
Childrens Hospice Southwest
Children's Community nursing teams NHS
Critical care teams
Claire House Children's Hospice
East Anglias children’s hospice
Great Ormand Street Hospital
Hugs from Henry
Harry's Rainbow
Jessie May
Leeds Teaching Hospital
Manchester Childrens Hospital
Royal London Hospital
South west and south wales organ donation nurses
Sherwood Forest Hospital
St Lukes-Hospital Bradford
Teenage cancer Trust
The Henry Allen Trust
The Children's Hospice South West
Together for Short Lives
The Bodie Hodges Foundation
The Donna Louise Hospice
Yorkshire's Brain Tumour Charity
If you cannot see the professional service that has supported you through your bereavement listed above please do get in touch.
If you are a professional or bereavement organisation and would like to find out more about how to refer families we would love to hear from you.
Please contact us at sarah.asiblingswish@gmail.com